O Nome Da Flor

Bum Bum Bum Salve Human Beings from the Planet Truman Show, a special Salve to my daughter Totó, Adilma, writer, composer, photographer, shy presence on the Youtube site, creator of this blog alegria furtada.blogspot.com, of the Alegria Furtada Podcast programme on the Anchor/Spotify platforms, thanks you for your magnetic presence in the middle of 31 December 2023, awaiting the arrival of 2024, and asks permission to communicate on your territory, During the COVID-19 pandemic my musical creative process accelerated ten years in two and, in the first half of 2021, anonymous altruists donated me an vintage but functional computer and a smartphone. In mid-2021 I took a break from creativity to repot cuttings of a beautiful flowering plant from the backyard, with the aim of giving them to my daughter when COVID-19 or any other obstacle was no longer an excuse to prevent mother-daughter reunion....