The Season's News


Oxente, my people. It's  already  summer, it's already a new year, 2,022 for us, 4,720 for the chinese. All together and apart on the same  "Truman Show Planet". Welcome everyone, you are in tune with Adilma do Nascimento Pereira.  🔭


"The one who  most suffer is the one who most makes the other suffer. "


⛲  Oxente, according to family legend, I was born in the "Immortal Cradle of Poetry", the municipality of São José do Egito, Pernambuco, oxente, in the mesoregion of the Pajeú River, located 15 km from the municipality of Brejinho, and 12 km from the princess of the Pajeú River, the municipality of Afogados da Ingazeira. Municipality whose name according to legend, pays tribute to a couple found hugging, lifeless, in the top of a Ingazeira tree, after the reduction of the Pajeú River flood, oxente, its overflow and the end of the flooding of the bottomlands fertile. Future victim of a continuous water crisis, oxente, including needing the services of water trucks to supply water to its residents in the future, oxente, northeasterners who, sometimes tired of living the despair of dryness in the semi-arid region, ventured to migrate for the subtropical with the purpose of rebuilding life in other more humid  developed states, mainly, oxente, in the state of São Paulo, where I am, in the district of Nova Veneza, municipality of Sumaré, metropolitan region of Campinas, more than 2,500 km away from the mesoregion of Pajeú River, since before the mid-eighties, when I was six years old, for the reason already mentioned, oxente.
⛲  Oxente, I grew up, hearing to Northeastern stories of people with anuran accents, oxente, people in love with insecticide, oxente, people in love with the moon and rain as a symbol of life. Peoples nourished by the spirit of metempsychosis, oxente, staggering between a naive romanticism by the moon, magnetic influence capable of generating from incestuous affection relationships, oxente,  to attacks of hate and deadly fury, without any naivety, oxente, for any futile reason, oxente, against any target of disaffection, oxente; tragic stories as a result of climate change in the northeastern semi-arid region, referring, oxente, to mainly, the reduction of floods in the Pajeú River. And similarly tragic stories for the opposite reason, oxente, to droughts: excessive summer rains in the metropolitan region of Campinas, oxente.
⛲   In summer several communities of municipalities in the region become candidates to be Venice, Santa Catarina and "Bikini Bottom" for a day. The closest and most recent example, oxente, is the municipality of Monte Mor, 17 km from Nova Veneza, Sumaré, counting 100 riverside families affected by summer flooding after the Capivari River flood, oxente, on Saturday, the day before yesterday. And in Franco da Rocha, metropolitan region of São Paulo, the problem of summer rains has become an unbelievable and pre-announced public tragedy, there were 18 fatalities buried in landslide on unstable ground during the rains of January 31st.
⛲    Growing up hearing stories about such climatic tragedies does not give me the competence of a geography teacher to speak or write about the subject, however, I dare to do so not because of an alleged degree in the specific knowledge cited, but because of my origin alleged poetic, oxente, humanity, solidarity and in function of my need to have a pretext to extend myself to another subject impossible to be ignored or to be fall ostracized, about my own life story, and the life story of so many other people: the exclusion of recognition to be of a "human being" endowed with rights, by certain intelligent human collectives, however, apparently incapable of developing human empathy with those who are not part of their own intelligent human collective.
⛲    Rain is life, in summer, life in abundance. It has been known since Cabral, that this is how it was in these Brazilian plains, the hot and wet summers were never the season's big new. All the problems caused by excessive rainfall, oxente, constant flood of rivers causing large overflows, flooding in rural and urban areas, represent consequences of  posthumous climate change, after the industrial revolution, deforestation of the atlantic forest, indiscriminate use of cement, oxente, of bitumen in streets, highways and roads, saturated soil and mainly, oxente, the absence of engineering and architecture in harmony with the phenomena of nature, capable of developing urban and rural areas throughout the Brazilian territory envisioning a permanent ecological balance, oxente. It is also new, after the revolution, that artists change the performance of cantatas in celebration of the arrival of summer, for other songs lamentating the drama of floods, from Santa Catarina to the Amazon there are many songs about floods such as "Viva Santa Catarina", oxente, by the duo Rudi e Willy:_ "Our valleys with floods And the hills sliding In a one house water was entering Another house was burying” (...) Oxente, the partial solution to the problem of summer flooding in urban and rural areas and the water crisis may be the same and is older than Cabral's arrival here, and before the birth of Manoel Apolônio de Carvalho:cisterns.
⛲    However, people prefer to keep dreaming about building super giant rainwater reservoirs, oxente, and “piscinões”, while the problem can be immediately alleviated with the installation of simple 5,000L cisterns  in homes, schools, condominiums, factories, everything should have cistern. The water falls on the roof, passes through the gutter and is stored in a reservoir, simple as that, oxente, instead of simply trying to run loose through bitumen and culverts clogged with trash, and sometimes rainwater galleries do not support the volumes of summer rains or can receive inverse volumes of seawater, depending on the region. In the house where I live, since the beginning of the year until today, the  water tank reservoir with a capacity of 500L was filled by rainwater 12 times, if we had a 5,000L cistern  installed in the backyard, we would be contributing in a more efficiently way, oxente, to the alleviation of the problem, and we would still have rainwater stored for the next season.
⛲   If 50% of people clearly outraged with the inconvenience and deaths anticipated by recurring accidents, oxente, involving flooding and landslides in due excessive seasonal rains invest in the installation of simple 5,000L cistern by the end of the summer, 50% of the problems involving floods would already be alleviated by next summer, oxente, if 50% invest in the installation of 10,000L, the percentage of mitigating problems would increases even more already in the next season, without the need of the people anxiously await, oxente, every four years the candidacy of a Queen Bee of the Manoel Apolônio de Carvalho kind, mason from the state of Sergipe, inventor of low cost concrete prestressed cisterns for who is “poor poor poor of marré marré marré" to build “piscinões” or large reservoirs to store rainwater for the benefit of the worker bees and everyone else, oxente.
⛲  A single swallow does not make a summer, and a single cistern, however, intelligent its adoption may be, does not prevent flooding. Torrential summer rains filling rivers to overflowing were never the season's news and flooding of urban and rural areas each summer still not new. How long will we  continue to wait for the other to do for us what we ourselves should be doing individually and for the benefit of everyone!?⛱ 
⛲   Rain is life, in summer, life in  volumetric abundance, however, those who do not love life do not organize thenselves to receiveit it, and end up receiveing is death in advance. Every person losing their life in advance due to floods becomes the season's news. "Reincarnation must really be a matter of justice", becoming famous because you died of summer rain it should be the season's news. The installation of simple domestic cisterns for rainwater may not be the full solution to the problem of "tests and atonements" of floods in non-coastal regions, however, it alleviates it in a way too simple to not be adopted collectively and still alleviates another problem: the water crisis in the next season.  
⛲   Although, the season's news which I want to announce will be the day when my tormentors, endowed with spirit anuran extraterrestrial lunar orc-aryan-nazi matriarchal, thieves of my human rights and the rights of my daughter my Alegria Furtada kept under a state of Parental Alienation since the age of six, for more than 4,628 days, making use of the "power ring" over public institutions, with the exception of the INSS, the Guardianship Council, over the OAB, over the police station for crimes against women, convincing everyone that I am "attacked by severe mental illness", only the INSS did not believe in this "bad faith game" (oxente, otherwise it would be paying me BPC/Loas) sketch some sign of empathy and good character.
⛲  In their anuran extraterrestrial lunar orc-aryan-nazi -matriarchal mentality, they are  being obedient, oxente, to divine orders, they use the argument that I am "crazy" to ridicule my mediumship, to justify affective abandonment, the absence of empathy and absence of any manifestation of charity, to justify the perennial practice of hindering contact between mother and daughter since 2009 (read lawsuit 0006423-13.2009.8.26.0114/Campinas/São Paulo/ Brasil  3rd Family  and Succession Court) to justify the unjustifiable: a permanent hate and a permanent, oxente, need  to hurt me in any way and still use me as a "scapegoat".
⛲   Season's news will be to see my tormentors developing empathy and humility to publicly acknowledge the game of eternal revenge, vices packaged as virtue and religius obedience to bad faith itself orc-aryan inhumanity for more than 4,628 days and hear them say: "I'm sorry". And I hope, instead of staying within a permanent game of revenge, they reflect about these spiritist words: "Help the wrongdoer, your feet are on the same ground, and if you have the possibility to correct, you have no right to censure".
⛲   Summer is also the season of great floods of love, even with the terror of the Corona Virus circulating among us since January 2020, however, no flood of love runs through the atrium and ventricle of the galleries of the heart of those who are not shy in using malicious means to achieve obscure ends. If that happens one day, it will also be the  season's news, oh well.
⛲   These tragic stories are not funny, however, I have learned in practice "the suffering is like yeast, in the right measure the dough grows to firm up at an optimal temperature, in excess, the dough grows too much to crumble at optimal temperature", like a landslide, causing death and pain in the season of love, Summer. So, lesson learned, I try to suffer less, believe me, enjoying life is better, playing a little joke here and there, even when my spirit wants to cry, it's not the season's news to know that "the one who most suffer is the one who most  makes the other suffer ". 
Adilma Vegetariana Season starts, season ends, I've been without my daughter for 4,628 days ⏳

I don't have my own house, but as soon as I have my first R$10,000.00 in hand, I will use 50% of that money by investing in the installation of a basic domestic cistern.



Listen to me by podcast Alegria Furtada:

Meet me:

 🔎 A Chegada De Charles e Outras Mini-mentiras

🔍 A Gata Lia, A Vaca Mia e O Pote Mágico

🔎 Alegria Furtada

🔍 A Última Fatia do Bolo

🔎 Raciocínio Ilógico

🔍 Minhas Orações São Divertidas

🔎 Mendiga Elegante, Domicilio Fiscal no Exterior, Principio da Gestalt

🔍 O Nome Da Flor



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