Brave New Brazil Drone Gaga (You-comment-11)


😶 Bum Bum Bum Salve Truman Show Planet, I'm Adilma, the most scanned, the most cloned, the most targeted by the Illuminati ideological falsehood on duty. My story is compulsorily public, I've been without my daughter for more than 5,040 days, she is currently twent years old. The fact occurs by decision of a society "IRONICALLY HYPOCRITE ABSOLUTIST IlUMINATI (...) PAN PAN PAN" of RPG. Society "Brave New  Brazil Drone Gaga" territory of the  Truman Show Planet. Ugly copy of RPG of India circus with Japan Pan Pan Pan and other brutal peoples, RPG players semi-transnutated from the old  continents to the new American continent. This immutable society in its weakness of giving in to RPG games of metempsychosis, a society that loves illusion, vices and hypocrisy has treacherously and cowardly moved judicial processes since 2009 with the objective of exterminating me, of bringing the orphan status to an innocent girl, semi-transmute me to the worst of them and FUTILELY and CRUELLY canceled my family power, the sacred of affectio relationships, offering it to y usuper trough the special way of this currupt society, incurable absolutist, be a  representative of the vices and player of RPG. 💋

😶  Their victory was achieved by making use of the  instrument, although limited, the most important to subtract people from the state of  animality, Education. The limit of Education is character, an impenetrable place until the contrary is proven, educated the good are better and the bad are worse. With Education and macunaímic character, they arranged among thenselves a rhetorical game of words of explicit bad faith easely observable by people of good character and good reading, not functionally illiterate, readers capable of critically analyzing their closeted eugenic discourse locked against people who disagree with them, people capable of looking at problems through different prisms and capable of proposing a solution not as drastic as war to resolve conflicts. They swear to love peace but feed on war, it can be a cold war declared in a Parental Alienation timeline or its equivalent for more than 5,040 days, capable of ending in a carmic process or in a the facto war, similar to the war between Russia and Ukraine.   💋

😶 With Education and macunaímic character they arranged between them a early victory  for a game of four procedural pieces of a fictional nature about my supposed  "mental illness". Narrative  based on true facts transposed to a context recreated by my tormentors and heralds with the purpose to exterminating me and delivering my daughter to a new mother, droned by them, in the likeness of their Illuminati Orc Spirituality, and make it clear forever, as they have done throughout human history, their Illuminati status, the elite troop of Spiritual Orc Dwarves chosen by God to rule over other humans. In their Illuminati rhetoric, I am "afficted with severe mental illness" and I represent a danger to physical and moral integrity of my daughter's even if I communicate with her over the internet.💋 

😶  This 'Brave New Brazil  Drone Gaga' society does not represent all Brazilians because, thanks to  Allan Kardec's  spiritism,  Brazil is not yet fully an Illuminati India nor an Illuminati Japan, however, it represents the result of the application of the Illuminati ideology, executioners of beauty and of justice through the powerful instrument, Education, in the efficient plan of destruction of "Brazil Still Endowed with​​ Human Values, Beautiful, Playful and Seeker of Non-Distinction in Justice". This 'Brave Brazil New Drone Gaga' society will never be completely beautiful nor will it ever be fair because it is not looking at beauty nor justice, therefore, they have never effectively given me the right to defend myself against the unjust and opportunistic accusations of which I have been a victim since May 7, 2006, causing in the judicial processes of dismissal of my maternal family power, my human cancellation and the orphanhood status of my daughter since she was six years old, it was cancelling for this unique case the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to which Brazil declares itself a participant through the Pact of San Jose da Costa Rica, Decree Law nº 678/92,  and The Citizen's Constitution of 1988, but they again make the laws prevail if it is convenient for the defense of their Spiritual Orcs Illuminati Dwarves.💋 

😶  This 'Brave New Brazil  Drone Gaga' already dictates my opinion about that it is being the Illuminati semi-transmutation of India-Japan and the old closed hearts, brutal peoples of the old continents transposed to the new American continent together with the alien invasion followed by the merciless mass genocides of the peoples appointed by God to be exterminated and the enslavement of the surviving peoples, all in God's name, for God's glory and the Illuminati absolutist enjoyment of semi-transmuted aliens into humans preferred by God to such a great mission, is abominable. 💋  

😶  Time does not stop. New technologies transform work relations, Brazil and the world in a devastating way, but these peoples continue to be grotesquely brutalized as they were in the past millennia ago. They are similar to closed, heavy and flawed operating systems, originated with gaps and kept like this throughout for millennia, however, always installed on new hardware: new hardware with operating systems older than Methuselah. Unfortunately they are, in majority Illuminati, the controllers of the sun system of the virtual world. They are the hidden responsible for the expansion of the internet, for the expansion of the new youth quickly enriched through the virtual route, by dissimulation of the denial of their responsability for cybercrimes, and how could it be otherwise,  they be  making do it all in the name of God. They just don't do it in the God's name is to develop good character, and they are the absolutist Illuminati engineers responsible for the virtual cancellations.  💋  

😶  In this wave of cancellations, my comments on YouTube are cancelled by the absolutist  Iluminati  engineering in duty. With a similar efficiency to same engineering promotes the scanning of my personal data filid by DATAPREV, falsely conferring me the status of tax resident abroad in order to prevent me from receiving the right of the hyposufficient Emergency Aid during the corona virus pandemic. And with similar efficiency they promote against mother and daughter the Practice of Parental Alienation or its equivalent for more than 5,040 days. 💋  

😶  All of us in theory would have the right not to have our comments  randomly deleted, however, this happens. To defend myself from their tyranny, I who do  not make comments punishable by law, the reason for the cancellations is simply their wish against the commenter, therefore, I made the subversive decision to publish my comments on YouTube as content for this blog Alegria Furtada, being deleted the comment by the YouTube channel a copy of it remains on the blog. For you hidden reader  to know how to differentiate the contents, a chronicle, a review, a letter, a monologue, any other genre of a comment made for YouTube, I am adding in parentheses the numbered subtitle You-comment-nº to the fixed title of posting 'Brave New Brazil  Drone Gaga'. That way you can quickly identify content in the subtitle and if you are not interested in reading comments, just don't read it. Explanation offered, I hope I didn't write a prospectus, any questions you can ask than so ask.  Ask and talk helps to eliminate fool fantasies, now I go straight to the comment: 

💋 Comment date: 03/18/2023 Saturday  Big Brother Brasil Channel: CARA DE SAPATO AND MC GUIMÊ ARE ELIMINATED FROM THE GAME! | BBB2023


Attention Adilma Typing 😶

And Gaga wasn't supposed to force Gabriel's kiss with forceps, but he forced.
And Raimunda Grega shouldn't stick her finger in Marquesa's forevis, but she did it.
And Raimunda Grega shouldn't elbow Cinderela, but she did it.
And Marquesa shouldn't slap Raimunda Grega and Dom Pedro, but she slapped.
And it wasn't meant to have episodes of religious intolerance on the BBB, but this happened.
And Dom Pedro y Dona Maria weren't supposed to open  Pandora's bag, but they did.
And Pandora wasn't supposed to seduce Funkers and businessmen, more she seduced.

And Pandora wasn't supposed to force Caballito de Tourette to drink alcohol, but she did, and he accepted because a gentleman does not disappoint a lady.

And it was not for drunk  Guimê to slap Raimunda Grega and Pandora's butt, but he did it  and the punishment was expulsion.
And it wasn't for  drunk  Caballito de Tourette to steal a kiss from Pandora, but he did it and the punishment was expulsion.
And Cinderela should not be suffering after the breaking of The Glass Slipper and without receiving the support of 2🌽🌽 in her bank account to heal from the trauma. But she is being tortured psychologically and  and financial support for Cinderella  has not yet arrived.
And Tadeu of Sade shouldn't Pandora, the guest, but he did it.
And the Encontro was not supposed to play sound music like Saudade Digitando right after expulsion of two brothers from the BBB for harassment reasons, but it was played.

And I should not be under emotional torture for more than 5,040 days without my daughter because of an anthropophagic game between women and distinctive (in)justice, the similarity of that distinction in the case analysis of Guimé and Caballito de Tourette, but I am.

And it was not for the Women's Police Station, the Public Prosecutor's Office, the Ethics Council of the OAB, the Guardianship Council, Mr. Geraldo Alkimim, the Corregidoría of injustice from Excellency Mr. Calças and the CNJ to underestimate my complaints alleging lack of consistency in the complaints, but they did it.

Zoo High School should not have denied me a copy of my daughter's school report card and forbidden me to go to school to see her, but they did so because I was not the one paying the fees. So instead of bothering the school, I should be thankful my daughter is getting such a privileged education.

The judges and the Public Prosecutor's Office were not supposed to accept as proof of my "Serious Mental Illness" a medical discharge certificate, cunningly stolen from my domain, but they accepted it. With this document they authorised my daughter to travel abroad twice without my knowledge. Subsequently they authorised her to move to another country without ever having given me the right to a procedural hearing and the right to have contact with her, unless it was on her own initiative.

And it was not for Globo  to allow the brothers in the house without first listening to my podcast where I read for free to my listeners the 30 Universal Human Rights  but it allowed it. If it was to punish pedagogically with expulsion those who do not respect the Constitution, expel them too, Gaga, Marquesa, Raimunda Grega, Dom Pedro y Dona Maria!

My personal problem was not supposed to end here, to stop here, but it stopped.

I try to be strong and remain indifferent to the distinction, Article 5 of the Constitution, however my weak spot hurts my heart.

The biggest victims of the love scam are men!

I wasn't supposed to be so soft like Jesus and my judgement be so light, but I am,  though I don't love my tormentors,  and already leaving.

This BBB is from the barnyard only has animal!

Gracias for your reading, Jesus loves you, 👀

Adilma Vegetariana

Happy or Sad Authentic Always 😶 5,040 days without my daughter

(read process 0006423-13.2009.8.26.0114/Campinas/ São Paulo/Brasil 3rd Family and Succession Court)  

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 🔎 A Chegada De Charles e Outras Mini-mentiras

🔍 A Gata Lia, A Vaca Mia e O Pote Mágico

🔎 Alegria Furtada

🔍 A Última Fatia do Bolo

🔎 Raciocínio Ilógico

🔍 Minhas Orações São Divertidas

🔎 Mendiga Elegante, Domicilio Fiscal no Exterior, Principio da Gestalt


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