Brave New Brazil Drone Gaga (You-comment-17)
🎈 Bum Bum Bum Salve Truman Show Planet, I'm Adilma, the most scanned, the most cloned, the most targeted by the Illuminati ideological
falsehood on duty. My story is compulsorily public. I have been without
my daughter, now twenty-one years old, for more than 5,561 days. This fact occurs by decision of an anthropophagic ALIENIST ILLUMINATI IRONICALLY HYPOCRITICAL ABSOLUTIST SECRET SOCIETY WITHOUT A CURE IN THE NAME OF THEIR GOD (...) PAN PAN PAN RPG master. Society Brave New Brazil Drone Gaga territory of the Truman Show Planet. Ugly copy of RPG of India circus with Japan Pan Pan Pan and other brutal peoples, RPG players semi-transnutated from the old continents to the new American continent. This society, immutable in its weakness of giving in to role-playing games and the phenomena of metempsychosis, a society that loves discretion, illusion,
education in capital vices and hypocrisy, has treacherously and cowardly, for personal religious reasons, moved judicial
processes since 2009 with the aim of exterminating me, of bringing
the orphan status to an innocent girl, to take me semi-transmute
to the worst of them and to cancel, FUTILY CRUELLY and DRONADELY, my family power, the sacred of affectio relationships,
offering it to my usuper trough their special way of being representatives of capital vices in the name of their God and their role-playing games, discreet, corrupt, sophists, incurable absolutists well accepted among collectivisms of a similar character. 💋
🎈 Their victory was achieved by making use of the most important, although limited, instrument to subtract people out of a state of animality: Education. The limit of Education
is character, an impenetrable place until proven otherwise: educated the good people are better and the bad are worse. With Education
and macunaímic character, they arranged among thenselves a rhetorical
game of words of explicit bad faith easely observable by people of
good character and good reading, not functional illiterates, readers
capable of critically analyzing their crude eugenic discourse against people who disagree with them, people capable of seeing
problems through different prisms and capable of proposing a solutions
not as drastic as anthropophagy, indifference and war to resolve conflicts. They seduce crowds, have taken a stand against the dictatorship and censorship, against the devastation of
ecosystems, they fought to gain representation and, when they assume
positions of power, act hypocritically. They swear to love peace, but they feed
on capital vices, anthropophagy, extremely practical brutality, lovelessness and war, which can be a cold war declared on a Parental Alienation timeline or its equivalent for more than 5,561 days, capable of ending in a karmic process or in a the facto war, similar to the war between Russia and Ukraine and other wars. 💋
🎈 With macunaímic-like Education and character, they arranged victory between them in advance for a four-part procedural game of fictional essence about my supposed mental illness. Narrative
based on true facts transposed into a fantasy dictatorial context recreated by my tormentors
and heralds, with the aim of exterminating me and delivering my
daughter to a new mother, droned by their empathy-free ideology, in the likeness of their
Illuminati Orc Spirituality and thus making it clear forever, as they have
throughout human history, that they are them, Illuminati
status, the elite troop of Spiritual Orc Dwarves chosen by their God to
rule over other humans, they reproduce the ratio studiorum of the SS
Thule spirit, they represent the repression of the Animal Farm but they
think they are decent even though they ignore the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights and reviving the Discourse of Voluntary Servitude. In
their Illuminati rhetoric, I am afficted with severe mental illness because I'm not as cold as marble in the face of their naturalised hypocrisy and I represent a danger to my daughter's physical and moral integrity, even if I communicate with her via internet or simple retro letters.
🎈 This Brave New Brazil Drone Gaga society does not represent all Brazilians Thanks to Allan Kardec's spiritism, Brazil is not yet fully an Illuminati India nor an Illuminati Japan, however, it represents the result of the application of the Illuminati ideology, executioners of virtuous beauty and virtuous justice, through the powerful instrument of Education, in the efficient plan of destruction of Brazil Still Endowed with Human Values, Virtuous Beautiful, Playful and Seeker of Virtuos Justice. This Brave Brazil New Drone Gaga society will never be fully beautiful, nor will it ever be just because it is not aspires at virtuous beauty nor to virtuous justice. Therefore, there has never been any empathy for this case, the OAB has given me oranges for my defence, the dial 100 call drops when I try to make a complaint, after I manage to make it through Fala Brasil, the Women's Police Station summons me to accept the filing of complaints due to lack of evidence or because I am running the risk of receiving five lawsuits for besmirching the honour of decent people and Guardianship Council does not allow me access to the folders with complaints made by myself, because for the Council the villain is me. I have never really been given the right to defend myself against the unjust and opportunistic accusations of which I have been a victim since May 7, 2006, which have led to the invasion of my life in the virtual world, the theft of my passwords to access ecosystems the WWW, judicial processes for the annulment of my family power, the alteration of my data with DATAPREV, my cancellation and the orphanhood status of my daughter since she was six years old. For this unique case, the RPG players' justice system ignores the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to which Brazil declares itself a participant through the Pact of San Jose da Costa Rica, Decree Law nº 678/92 and the 1988 Citizen's Constitution, but they again makes the laws prevail if it is convenient for the defense of their Orcs Illuminatis Spiritual Dwarves.💋
🎈 This Brave New Brazil Drone Gaga, already dictates my opinion about it is being the Illuminati semi-transmutation
of India-Japan and the old closed hearts, brutalised peoples of the
old continents transposed to the new American continent together with
the alien invasion followed by the merciless mass genocides of the
peoples appointed by their God to be exterminated and the enslavement of the
surviving peoples, all in their God's name, for their God's glory and the absolutist Illuminati enjoyment of the aliens semi-transmuted into
humans preferred by their God to such a great mission, is abominable.
But it is also seductive, it controls the minds of collectivisms, it has
alternated in power since Diretas Já, it condemns the true protectors
of Brazil to ostracism and disappearance while they assume a false
heroism. 💋
🎈 Time does not stop. New technologies transform work relations, Brazil and the world in a devastating way, but many collectivisms continue to be grotesquely brutalized as they were in the past millennia ago. They are similar to closed, heavy and flawed operating systems, originated with gaps and kept like this throughout for millennia. However, they are always installed on new hardware: new hardware with operating systems older than Methuselah. Unfortunately, many of these collectivisms, mostly Illuminatis, are the controllers of the virtual world's sun system. They are the hidden responsible for the expansion of the internet, for the expansion of the new youth quickly enriched through the virtual route, by dissimulation of the denial of their responsability for cybercrimes, and how could it be otherwise, they be making do it all in the name of their God. They just don't do it in the God's name is to develop good character, and many of then are absolutist Illuminati engineers responsible for the virtual cancellations and discreet alterations of sensitive information in databases out of rivalry or disaffection, ignoring ethical statutes.💋
🎈 In this wave of hidden power and cancellations, my comments on YouTube are cancelled by the absolutist Iluminati engineering on duty. With a similar efficiency, this same hidden engineering promotes the modification of my personal data filed with DATAPREV, falsely conferring me the status of tax resident abroad in order to prevent me from receiving the right of the hyposufficient Emergency Aid during the corona virus pandemic. And with similar efficiency, they promote distance between mother and daughter and help feed the feeling the Parental Alienation Syndrome or its equivalent in inhumane persuasion for more than 5,561 days, instead of investing in the humanised resolution of conflicts involving the breakdown of family ties. So, as well as naming them, I made another decision. So, as well as naming them, I made another decision.💋
🎈 I don't make comments that are punishable by law, all of us in theory would have the right not to have our comments randomly deleted on digital platforms, however, this happens. To defend myself against their prerogatives, the reason for the cancellations is the simply use of power against the commenter, therefore, I took the subversive decision to publish my comments on YouTube as content for this blog Alegria Furtada. While the comment has been deleted by the YouTube channel, a copy of it remains on the blog. So that you, the assumed or hidden reader, know how to differentiate between blog content, a chronicle, a review, a letter, a monologue, a song lyric or any other genre, and a comment made for YouTube, I'm adding in parentheses the numbered subtitle You-comment-nº in brackets to the fixed post title Brave New Brazil Drone Gaga. That way you can quickly identify content in the subtitle and if you are not interested in reading comments, just don't read its. Explanation offered, I hope I didn't write a prospectus, any questions you can ask than so ask, asking and talking helps to eliminate fool fantasies, now I go straight to the comment:
Olympics ended yesterday and I already miss seeing our Brazil of
diversity showing off and showing the result of its efforts turned into
medals. I will wait for the Truman Show Planet Los Angeles, on 14 July
2028, with the bittersweet excitement of one who only follows the games
through the screen, sadly without being able to meet Tom Cruise in
person and, without my daughter for more than 5,561 days. Until then I
have time to rethink the way of being of this new French leadership,
heir to Dadaism and Druidism, representing itself in its own exuberant
way at the enigmatic but playful opening of the Paris Olympics amidst
the mediumistic human drama of our apocalyptic time at the Truman Show
Planet and come to a conclusion, apart from how beautiful it was to see
and hear Celine Dion performing 'Hymne à I'Amour' at the opening and
Yseult performing My Way at the closing.
Happy or Sad Authentic Always 🎈 5,561 Days Without My Daughter
(read process 0006423-13.2009.8.26.0114/Campinas/ São Paulo/Brasil 3rd Family and Succession Court)
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