
Human Being

  Adilma Vegetariana Happy or Sad Authentic Always 🐄 5,350 Days Without My Daughter (read process 0006423-13.2009.8.26.0114/Campinas/ São Paulo/Brasil 3rd Family and Succession Court )  CAIXA POSTAL 42 CEP:13170-970 SUMARÉ SP BRASIL B0DHT2Z5XT Contacts: Anchor/Spotify : Listen to me by podcast Alegria Furtada : Meet me:  🔎 A Chegada De Charles e Outras Mini-mentiras 🔍 A Gata Lia, A Vaca Mia e O Pote Mágico 🔎 Alegria Furtada 🔍 A Última Fatia do Bolo 🔎 Raciocínio Ilógico 🔍 Minhas Orações São Divertidas 🔎 Mendiga Elegante, Domicilio Fiscal no Exterior, Principio da Gestalt 🔍 O Nome Da Flor

People's Photography Project 2024

           Bum Bum Bum Bum, Salve Seres Humanos del Planeta Truman Show, un Salve especial a mi hija Totó,      Adilma te invita a participar en el Proyecto de Fotografía Popular:  📷 ¿Qué?      El People's Photography Project es mi selección de 12 selfies de personas conocidas por los medios de comunicación y de personas anónimas para ilustrar contenidos. Los solicitantes deben inscribirse voluntariamente y autorizar la divulgación de su self en mis sitios de comunicación, este blog, mi canal de YouTube y en el programa de Podcast Alegría furtada.  No hay que pagar por inscribirse, pero tampoco se puede cobrar, ¡es un acto voluntario! Todos los participantes ganarán un selfie mío. Cualquier persona mayor de 18 años puede inscribirse, sólo tiene que querer e informar por correo electrónico si tiene interés y disponibilidad futura para participar en proyectos de videoclips. Es muy fácil inscribirse, no h...

Tia Irene (in memoriam)

         E m 1946, o Escritor  Julio Cortazar publicava o conto Casa Tomada nos Anales de Buenos Aires nº11, ele nos apresentou Irene, seu irmão narrador e a narrativa fantástica. Seis anos antes,  em uma icônica família de costureiras de  Pernambuco, Brasil, nascia uma Irene protagonista de histórias fantásticas para dezenas de vidas. Minha tia foi responsável por dezenas de adoções clandestinas de bebês gerados de médicos adúlteros, com adolescentes analfabetas hiposuficientes, a maioria delas de famílias indígenas. Quando eu li Casa Tomada nunca mais  desassociei  minha tia Irene da Irene do conto do escritor argentino, e também aprendi a simpatizar mais com  minha tia depois de ter lido o conto.       H oje, 11 de janeiro, a tia Irene, com Alzeimer,  fez a passagem para uma outra realidade e a Irene do conto me invadiu. As duas Irenes se fundiram na minha cabeça, apesar de suas diferenças, sua...


     B um Bum Bum, Salve Human Beings of Planet Truman Show, a special salve to 2024, to my daughter Totó, Jair and Michelle Bolsonaro Beach, all Bikini Bottom Yeah  and birthday boy Carlos Sidney,     A s I wake up in the first days of 2024, I am reminded of my lack of self-sufficiency, the absence of my daughter and dear old friends, however, the evil-me-desire, the Union and Reconstruction of the Animal Farm, my heralds and tormentors are in power, sucking my vital sap and the vital sap of Truman Show Brazil like yawning parasitic vines, while they donate sanitary napkins mocking the people, because there is no Lesa Pátria  operation against them. So I want to go back to sleep, only to wake up in 2026. Unfuelled desire. I express it to my body:Hardware: Calm Your Soul Now! Every day is a day to overcome obstacles on Truman Show Planet.      I slap on the sun cream and head out to embrace the sun, and if it rains,  ...

O Nome Da Flor

         Bum Bum Bum Salve Human Beings from the Planet Truman Show, a special  Salve to my daughter Totó,      Adilma, writer, composer, photographer, shy presence on the Youtube site, creator of this blog alegria, of the Alegria Furtada Podcast programme on the Anchor/Spotify platforms, thanks you for your magnetic presence in the middle of 31 December 2023, awaiting the arrival of 2024, and asks permission to communicate on your territory,      During the COVID-19 pandemic my musical creative process accelerated ten years in two and, in the first half of 2021, anonymous altruists donated me an vintage  but functional computer and a smartphone. In mid-2021 I took a break from creativity to repot cuttings of a beautiful flowering plant from the backyard, with the aim of giving them to my daughter when COVID-19 or any other obstacle was no longer an excuse to prevent mother-daughter reunion....

O Nome Da Flor

    Espaço reservado para publicação do romance O Nome Da Flor. Adilma Vegetariana   Happy or Sad Authentic Always 👟 5,323 Days Without My Daughter (read process 0006423-13.2009.8.26.0114/Campinas/ São Paulo/Brasil 3rd Family and Succession Court )  CAIXA POSTAL 42 CEP:13170-970 SUMARÉ SP BRASIL B0DHT2Z5XT Contacts: Anchor/Spotify : Listen to me by podcast Alegria Furtada : Meet me:  🔎 A Chegada De Charles e Outras Mini-mentiras 🔍 A Gata Lia, A Vaca Mia e O Pote Mágico 🔎 Alegria Furtada 🔍 A Última Fatia do Bolo 🔎 Raciocínio Ilógico 🔍 Minhas Orações São Divertidas 🔎 Mendiga Elegante, Domicilio Fiscal no Exterior, Principio da Gestalt 🔍 O Nome Da Flor

Brave New Brazil Drone Gaga (You-comment-13)

💲 Bum Bum Bum Salve Truman Show Planet , I'm Adilma, the most scanned, the most cloned, the most targeted by the Illuminati ideological falsehood on duty. My story is compulsorily public, I've been without my daughter for more than 5,322 days, she is currently twent years old. The fact occurs by decision of a society "IRONICALLY HYPOCRITE ABSOLUTIST IlUMINATI (...) PAN PAN PAN" of RPG. Society "Brave New  Brazil Drone Gaga" territory of the  Truman Show Planet . Ugly copy of RPG of India circus with Japan Pan Pan Pan and other brutal peoples, RPG players semi-transnutated from the old  continents to the new American continent. This immutable society in its weakness of giving in to  RPG games of metempsych osis , a society that loves illusion , vices and hypocrisy has treacherously and cowardly moved judicial processes since 2009 with the objective of exterminating me, of bringing the orphan status to an innocent girl, semi-transmute me...